Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 13/2006, vyšlo 01.12.2006

HUDDERSFIELD Ice Rink Hosts Skating Star on Czech National Day 17 November 2006

Local residents watched with great interest as Huddersfield’s temporary ice rink which is located in the shopping plaza next to the Library and Art Gallery was taken over for a few minutes on Friday afternoon by a Czech skating star. This was appropriate timing since 17 November is Czech National Day – the day which celebrates the fall of communism in 1989.

Martina Fasnerová from Hradec Kralove in eastern Bohemia joined the BA European Business programme in Huddersfield University Business School with 126 others – a record number – from many European countries, in September.

Martina, who is aged 21, competed for the Czech Republic for the first time seven years ago at the minimum legal age of 14 and has now been taking part in synchronised skating for 10 years.  In addition she has been figure skating (as an individual) since the age of 5 and competed in the Czech National Championships four years ago.

In January Martina will be competing in the Czech National Championships for synchronised skating in Prague with her Orion team.  In March she hopes to be part of the Czech team at the World Championships in Canada. She is also hoping to appear in the 2010 Winter Olympics.

In between skating practice, Martina is studying hard for her Bachelor’s degree with a view to developing a career in international business.

Martina Fasnerová and Dr John Anchor

Martina says: “I consider that an international perspective is as important in business as it is in sport.  The European Business programme within the Business School has provided me with the opportunity not only to develop my career but also to meet students from many other countries and cultures.  I am looking forward to putting my learning into practice in the future in an international business career”.

Head of Business Studies, Dr John Anchor, says “Martina is a fantastic example of the increasing internationalisation of the student body within Huddersfield University Business School.  The growing number of students from other countries and cultures is enriching the experience of the students themselves but also of the wider Business School community.  I am sure that we will be joined by other international sportsmen and women in the years to come”.

Dr John Anchor



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redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
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