Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 3/2013, vyšlo 01.07.2013

Stážisté z Francie: Long live Czech Republic!

Útvar informačních systémů Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK se stal na pár měsíců místem působnosti dvou stážistů z Francie, kteří sem přišli čerpat zkušenosti z oblasti IT. Jak se jim zde líbí a co jim pobyt přináší? Nabízíme odpovědi nejen na tyto obázky.

Could you introduce yourselves to our readers?

Nassim Abderrahim


Nassim: My name is Nassim Abderrahim, I am a french intern in the IT department of University of Hradec Kralove. I am currently in second year of my Engineering school based in Lille (North of France, near Belgian border).

Bastien Séjourné


Bastien: My name is Bastien Séjourné, I come from Lille, a city north of France, close to the Belgic. I study currently in TelecomLille1, an engineer school in the field of Telecommunication.


Is it your first time in the Czech Republic?

Nassim: Yes, I travelled a little bit before (United Kingdom, Spain, France etc..) but more in Western Europe, and that's why I really wanted to discover something new. Therefore Hradec Kralove was a natural choice for me, and I really don't regret it.

Bastien: It is the first time I come in Czech Republic and I go abroad for an internship. I was really glad to know that I’ll go in this country.

How long have you been in HK and why is it HK ana not another town?                                                        

Nassim: We arrived in the middle of May (around the 13th) and we are here for one month more. In our studies, practical work is considered as very important (around two year of internship during our five years of school), and we have to spend at least three months abroad. One of my friend who is currently in 4th year made his internship in this very department 2 years ago, and after listening him talking about it, it was something obvious to apply in the same place.

Bastien: I have been in Hradec Kralove for a little bit more than one month. My colleague Nassim and I got the opportunity to perform this internship thanks to one of our friend who was here several years ago for the same reason.

Have you experienced any other internship in another country?

Nassim: Yes, last year I made an internship in a company in Bury St Edmunds, which is a small town near Cambridge (United Kingdom). It was very different from here (maybe a little bit closer of what I am used to in France), but I think all experiences are good to take.

What kind of work did you do here at UIS?

Nassim: During the first weeks, I worked on virtual network and virtual computing, then I made a website with joomla software to present Hradec Kralove in French, and now I am currently working on a little database.

Bastien: The main topics are Networks and Telecommunication. I work on e-learning systems (Moodle, Blackboard), virtualization of device resources and network monitoring systems.

How do you see your Czech colleagues? How did you like the team?

Nassim: The team is really great, this is such a pleasure to work in this environment and I am very glad that we were accepted immediately as members of the team.

Bastien: If I had to use three words to describe my Czech colleagues, that would be receptive, dynamic and kind. The best atmosphere if I compare with organizations I worked for previous years.

Where do you see the sense of your stay  and will  you be able to make  use of what you learnt here?

Nassim: In this crisis context in all Europe, experience is the key for finding a good job after, and I am aware that having the possibility of working all over Europe is real chance. All what I am learning here will help me for sure in the future.

Bastien: My assignments here are at the heart of my studies so I think it will be useful thereafter for my future work.

Was there anything surprising (positive, negative)?

Nassim: For the moment, the culture shock wasn't too hard. The only negative aspect I see is maybe the lack of english speaking persons in the services (Bus, supermarkets etc..) in the beginning, but after learning some basis in Czech, it is not a real problem anymore.

Bastien: What impressed me the most was the low price of several things, especially the beer which is about five times cheaper than is France and doesn’t appear to be worse! I appreciated also to be in a town full of parks (that’s not usual in my country) and to be able to shop in Tesco at any hours, even during the night.

Did you have time to know Hradec Králové or other places In the Czech Republic?  What did you like best and why?

Nassim: I visited Hradec Kralove and I really love it. The town is very green, with trees everywhere, lots of parcs, really different of what I know in France. I had the occasion to go to Prague as well, and I found it amazing.

Bastien: We had time to make parties in different clubs or to go in the center of Hradec Kralove to see the Labe and its coypus (“nutrie”), according to our mood. I enjoyed the most to watch people and friends playing jam-session of music in the club n°4.

Long live Czech Republic!


Článek byl zobrazen 1363x.

redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
© 2005 Fakulta informatiky a managementu