Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 2/2014, vyšlo 26.03.2014

Global leadership – Accenture na Fakultě informatiky a managementu UHK

V úterý 11. března jsme měli možnost přivítat na půdě Fakulty informatiky a managementu dva vzácné hosty, Jasona Lewkowicze, ředitele Computer Incident Response Team ve společnosti Accenture, a Jaroslava Vorlíčka, našeho úspěšného absolventa, rovněž člena Computer Incident Response Team v téže společnosti.

zleva: Filip Malý (katedra informatiky a kvantitativních metod), Jason Lexkowicz a Jaroslav Vollíček (Computer Incident Response Team).Přednášku na téma „Global leadership“ přednesl Jason, který hovořil ke studentům v anglickém jazyce. Jazyk nebyl pro studenty překážkou, a tak závěrem přednášky padlo na Jasona přímo od studentů mnoho zajímavých dotazů. A jak se na FIMu líbilo našim hostům? O tom nám více poví náš absolvent Jarda Vorlíček:

How it happened

My name is Jaroslav Vorlicek. I've graduated University of Hradec Kralove in 2007. Right after university I've joined Accenture's Computer Incident Response team lead by Jason Lewkowicz. Jason is and he has always been great manager, mentor and advisor through my whole career. Currently position is called Forensic  Investigator for EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa). For last three years I've been asking Jason to dedicate few hours of his private time during short occasional visits to Czech Republic to hold a speech at University of Hradec Kralove. Thanks to Tomas Kozel and Filip Maly's support we were able to fit university's and Jason's extremely busy schedule together.

The presentation

When arranging the speech, I knew Jason is an awesome speaker and skilled presenter however I was unsure if his topic would be interesting for students. When looking to the aula during presentation I was sure we chose topic appropriately.

Jason started talking about his experience in development of his career  through hard work  from one of the lowest positions in the company to becoming Global Director of Computer Incident Response team. I believe fellow students understand  now what Jason's most important motto really mean:

“Excuses are tools of incompetence that build monuments of nothingness and those that insist upon using them are seldom good at anything else.”

Next part of speech was dedicated to explain several aspects of being a leader with examples on day-by-day working with company leaders, directors, managers and experience with self-motivation, motivation and building of relationship based on trust with people in his responsibility area. Another area that has been thoroughly discussed was importance of innovation and path to success through innovation. Speech ended up with Questions and Answers part where students were free to ask questions. Few students seize the opportunity and asked very interesting and inspiring questions.

Overall experience

The overall atmosphere exceeded our expectations. I would not expect Aula being half full so early in the morning (at 10 o'clock :) ). We've appreciated friendly welcome and students involvement in talk either by listening or interacting when asking questions. I hope the talk was beneficial for future careers of participating students. I can confirm that every word that has been said was true and honest and the values shared  were the values we are living every day. Unfortunately the time went quickly and it seemed it was just few minutes after the start we had to head back to Prague.

I would like to thank to Jason Lewkowicz, Tomas Kozel, Filip Maly and everybody who was participating in the speech for helping this awesome experience happening.


Jaroslav Vorlíček

Článek byl zobrazen 1620x.

redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
© 2005 Fakulta informatiky a managementu