Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 3/2014, vyšlo 16.06.2014

Stážisté z Francie

Institut moderních informačních technologií (IMIT) na Fakultě informatiky a managementu přijal na dvouměsíční stáž čtyři studenty z univerzity Télécom Lille

Navazujeme tak na úspěšnou tradici z minulých let, kdy se na našem pracovišti studenti z Francie seznamovali především s virtualizačními technologiemi a jejich správou v praxi.

V nabitém a zajímavém programu stážistů, který pro ně připravujeme, se našel čas například na setkání s manažerem společnosti VMware Ondřejem Vlachem. Jak snímky dokazují, vládla v kanceláři pana děkana neformální a přátelská atmosféra. 


A jak se stážistům tady líbí? Nabízíme následující odpovědi:

1) Could you introduce yourselves to our readers?

We are Adrien, Robin, Mehdi and Lucas. We come from France more exactly from Lille in the North of France.

In France, we study network and telecommunication system in an engineering school: TELECOMLille. To finish, we are in HR to make a network and telecommunication internship in the IT department.

2) Is it your first time in the Czech Republic?

Yes, it is our first time in Czech Republic. But thanks to the buddy's group system, we have quickly settled in yet in the country.

3) How long have you been in HK and why is it HK and not another town?

Personally, we have chosen HK to make our internship because we wanted to make it abroad. As it was our first we would like to make it not so long from France. But Mehdi knew some people who did their internship here and they told us the internship and the Czech Republic were great so here we areJ.

4) Have you experienced any other internship in another country?

No but this internship's experience will encourage, without any doubt, to travel abroad for our next internships.

5) What kind of work did you do here at IMIT?

At IMIT, we study the functioning of Vcloud which is virtualization software. And our mission is to make an online tutorial about it for helped the next student or interns to use it. Robin and Adrien study also the professional social network Yammer.

6) How do you see your Czech colleagues? How did you like the team?

Our Czech colleagues did everything they could to integrate inside the university and the department. By example first day Mr. Jiří ČERVENÝ shew us around the principal departments of the university. They invited us to go to restaurant with them, they also invite to sport event.

We appreciate also the fact that they also trust us and let us work independently.

7) Where do you see the sense of your stay and will you be able to make use of what you learnt here?

We think this internship allow us to be more autonomous.

In a technical point of view, we discovered how worked a vitualization software and how was organized virtualization inside a university. In addition; we took part to an important meeting with the VMware commercial manager of Czech Republic.

We think all this things can only be good things for our future.

8) Was there anything surprising (positive, negative)?

It is mostly the architecture that surprised us. Indeed, we did not expect that the building in Czech Republic were so coloured. It is also the weather that a little surprised us because we expected also cooler temperature.

9) Did you have time to know Hradec Králové or other places In the Czech Republic?

Yes. In Hradec the first day, we visited the old center, the typical Czech pubs, the Futurum, the swimming-pool, the parks and of course the NOX. It is a quite big city. We also went to Prague during a week-end. Here we also met our colleague from France who are doing their internship in Hungary and Germany. It was good to see them! Actually, we were very surprised by the city which found it wonderful! There are many colors, the architecture is beautiful, so we really like the city! We could saw the astronomical clock, the old town center and the Wenceslas Square. We also went to the Charles Bridge and could admire the wonderful point of view of all Prague on the Petřín hill. We finished our night in a typical Czech pub and in the biggest club of East Europe. We have come back to Hradec Králové with a lot of excellent memories.

Recently we went to Liberec and we saw the beautiful city hall, we swam in the artificial lake and we also hiked on the Ještěd Mountain up to the telecommunication tower: the Ještěd tower.


Více informací průběžně zveřejňujeme na facebookovém profilu IMITu:


Jirka Červený
Institut moderních informačních technologií FIM

Článek byl zobrazen 710x.

redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
© 2005 Fakulta informatiky a managementu