Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 1/2015, vyšlo 27.03.2015

Stážistům z Francie se na FIMce líbí

Koncem ledna zahájili své stáže na Institutu dalšího vzdělávání FIM UHK čtyři studenti z francouzské univerzity Télécom Lille - Guillaume, Léo, Othmane a Quentin. Navazují tak na úspěšnou tradici z minulých let, kdy se zde studenti z Francie seznamovali především s virtualizačními technologiemi a jejich správou.

Nabízíme vám krátké seznámení s nimi:

Snímek ze setkání s děkanem FIM UHK. Zleva: docent Janeček, Othmane Benhayoun, Quentin Desgaches, Léo Pillet, Guillaume Derouin a Jiří Červený.Ahoj, I'm Léo Pillet, 21 years old, and I'm a student in a engineering school in Lille (north of France). But here, I'm a trainee in the IMIT departement of the university of Hradec Kralove, and I will be here for 3 month and a half. I do this internship because I want to discovered a new company, to see how it work. But also to learn something important for my training in networking and learn how to work in a company.

I come from Niort, a little city in the middle west of France. Before the engineering school I was in preparotry class, it's intensive study of mathematics and physics. I work every summers as a seasonal worker, in a shop near the coast or in a canoe club for exemple. I like a lot of things, music of course, every kind exect latest musics. I play the harmonica. I like also video games, drawing and walking. In my school I'm the co-founder and the vice president of the Arts Office.

I like to be here, life here is less stressful than in France. You can go everywhere by walking in the city, in France I can do nothing without my car. And the life is very cheap here, for exemple beer is 6 times more expensive in Lille. But I still prefer french food!

My name is Guillaume Derouin, I'm a 20 years old student from the french engineering school Telecom Lille, I'm currently in the third year and I'm doing an internship at IMIT in Hradec Kralove. I'm from the very south of France, Perpignan, near the Spanish border, the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean sea, but since last September I moved to Lille to study. My points of interests are the informatics, computering and video games, the cinema, the music from the nineties and nature (fauna & flora).

In France I had no experience about work in the domain of networks or informatics, I just worked a bit during the summer for a restaurant and helped a real estate agency to realise various handicrafts. My expectation from interships are to acquire technical skills that in subjects we studied in school and also learn about new things that we never did before and begin to understand how is the life in a company which hire engineers. About my stay, I arrived on the 25th of January and will leave around 8th of May, so I will be here for fifteen weeks.

I really enjoy Czech Republic and Hradec Kralove, I wanted to visit some country of eastern Europe for some time and I'm really surprised, in a good way, it's even better than I expected: The people are really kind and we really feel like we work in a friendly atmosphere and the weather is not so bad actually!  The life is really cheaper than in france, almost 5 or 6 times, and the beer is really good. Also, we have the possibility to visit many other boundary countries during the week-ends which is a great opportunity to enrich our culture.

Hi, my name is Quentin Desgaches and I'm a 20 year-old french student. I study in the engineering school Télécom Lille which is specialised in Network and Telecommunication. I live in Saint-Donat-sur-l'Herbasse near Lyon, but I study in Lille. I'm making an internship at the University of Hradec Kralové, at the faculty of Informatics and Management. Before my enginnering school, I made a preparatory class specialised in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Sciences. My expectations from internships is to pratice what I learnt at school. Moreover, it makes it possible to enter in the work's world and to see how a company works

I'm keen on Sports and Trips. Since I'm in Czech Republic, I've already gone in Prag, Vienna and we are planning to go to Budapest soon. I have no professional experience in the field of network but I've already had a student's job.I like the life here, in Czech Republic. It's cheaper than in France, especially beers which 6 times cheaper here. Regarding internship, I think that working in an university is good first job experience. In fact, we have a lot of autonomy and our co-workers can help us at any time when we need them. We arrived on the end of January and we will leave on about 8th May. We have fifteen weeks to make an internship of fourteen weeks.   

Hello everybody, I'm Othmane Benhayoun, I come from Morocco, from Casablanca more specifically, and I study in Telecom Lille, France, and this internship represents my first work experience, where I learned a lot so far, and still expecting to acquire much more knowledge in programming, networks and other fields. I chose Czech Republic because some friends did their internships here last year, and they really liked it, and so they advised me to do it here as well, and I was not disappointed, because I had a chance to travel a lot (much more than I used to), meet some incredible people, and discover a little more of the Czech culture, and so I really enjoyed my staying so far, and I'm guessing that the best is yet to come, since we still have a month and half for our internship !

To know a little bit more about me, I'm a fan of arts, I like to draw, portrait and Japanese anime, also listen to music and practicing some martial arts.


Článek byl zobrazen 954x.

redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
© 2005 Fakulta informatiky a managementu