Telegraf - elektronický časopis Fakulty informatiky a managementu UHK


čtrnáctideník ze života Fakulty informatiky a managementu
číslo 9/2004, vyšlo 01.06.2004

Na shledanou, Lauro !

V tomto semestru jste měli možnost potkávat na Fakultě informatiky a managementu UHK sympatickou drobnou brunetku,

která energicky s nepřehlédnutelnou chutí působila v rámci Fulbrightovy nadace na katedře ekonomie a managementu.

Prof. Laura Koppes
Protože se pobyt paní Laury Koppes, profesorky Eastern Kentucky University zde na fakultě chýlí ke konci, požádali jsme ji o rozhovor:

- You work in the Czech Republic within the framework of Fulbright Program. Where have you taught and what was the main topic of your lectures?

I have a joint appointment. I taught Human Resources Management at FIM UHK. I also provided a doctoral seminar on Human Behavior in Organizations at FIM UHK. I taught Human Resources Management at the University of Pardubice.

- Were you satisfied with the work conditions at FIM UHK?

I am very satisfied with the work conditions here. I was pleasantly surprised by the availability of technology and resources. I found the classrooms to be suitable for effective teaching. At my university in the U.S.A. it is not typical to share offices. Most faculty have their own space, but I was pleased to share a professional office here with a wonderful colleague, Mr. Hajek.

- You got to know the system of university studies in our country. If you compare it with the system in US where can you see the main differences?

There are many differences between the U.S. and Czech Republic higher education systems. Differences exist in the university structures and organization, teaching philosophies and approaches, admission requirements, tuition, expectations of students and faculty, and degree completion requirements, to name a few. I realized, however, that many issues are similar. For example, many U.S. universities struggle with a tight budget situation, which has implications for the quality of education.

- How did you find your cooperation with Czech students? How would you characterize them? Are they different from other students in other countries?

I thoroughly enjoyed teaching and becoming familiar with the Czech students. I was very impressed with their capabilities, especially with regard to their English language competency. I think the current students are the new generation of Czechs who will have a significant impact on the Czech society, culture, and economy in future years. I observed one difference between American and Czech students. American students have been taught from a young age to be confident, and to openly express their strengths. The Czech students seem more modest and shy about their capabilities. I frequently told the students how wonderful and special they are!

- What will you always remember and on the other hand was there anything that surprised you unpleasantly?

I will always remember the kindness, sincerity, and authenticity of the Czech students, colleagues, friends, and people around the country. Interactions with numerous individuals created a superb experience for me. I have learned a lot from my visit, and will be forever grateful to these individuals who contributed to my knowledge of and living in the Czech Republic.
I did not have any unpleasant surprises, other than the difficulty of not knowing the language. I especially appreciate the friendship and assistance from the following individuals: Dean Hynek, Vice Dean Petra Poulova, Mr. Ladislav Hajek, Mr. Peter Mikulecky, Mrs. Vera Strnadova, Mrs. Hana Mohelska, Ms. Marcela Sabatova, Ms. Veronika Jasikova, and Zuzana Pesakova.
I was told before arriving that every one could speak English, not true! If I were to spend time here again, I would learn the language so I could communicate and develop a more insightful understanding of the Czech culture.
I want to thank all the students, faculty, staff, and friends in FIM UHK for their guidance and support. I felt at home here, and know I could always return to a warm welcome. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at when you visit the U.S.A.
Na shledanou!

Thank you very much for the interview and we wish you lot of success at work and happiness in your personal life.
We do hope you will come back to the Czech republic and your steps will lead to the Fafulty of Informatics and Management UHK where you are most welcomed.


redakční rada: Ing. Věra Palánová, doc. Ing. Václav Janeček, CSc.
© 2005 Fakulta informatiky a managementu